Agenda Item

7. ANNUAL REPORT ON THE TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT'S USE OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT PER CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY BILL 481 Assembly Bill (AB) 481 requires the Tustin Police Department ("Department") to seek City Council approval by ordinance for the funding, acquisition, and use of equipment defined by the law as "military equipment." This legislation also requires law enforcement agencies to submit to the City Council an annual report outlining a summary of the use of the equipment and the purpose for its use, any complaints or concerns received concerning the military equipment, results of any internal audits or violations and any actions taken in response, the total annual costs for the equipment, the quantity possessed by the agency, and the intention to purchase additional equipment in the following year. In addition, within 30 days of submitting and publicly releasing the annual report, a well-publicized and community engagement meeting must be held to allow for public comments. This report outlines staff's work in complying with the law and request for continued utilization of the Department's military equipment and approval of the Department's military equipment policy under Tustin Police Department General Order 708 - Military Equipment Use Policy.

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