Meeting Time: December 05, 2023 at 5:30pm PST

Agenda Item

15. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORE AND RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN REASESSMENT REPORT As directed by the City Council during the City's Midpoint Strategic Plan Update in 2021, an analysis of the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP) and the Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan (RHASP) was initiated in 2022 to identify potential plan revisions that align development regulations with the real estate market. The City contracted with Economic Planning Systems (EPS), Inc. to assess the DCCSP and RHASP ("Plan Areas") and provide a summary of findings and policy options. EPS presented their initial report to the Mayor's Economic Development Ad-Hoc Committee, comprised of Mayor Austin Lumbard and Councilmember Ryan Gallagher. The following recommendations are presented to the City Council on behalf of the Mayor's Economic Development Ad-Hoc Committee.

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