Meeting Time: December 05, 2023 at 5:30pm PST

Agenda Item

9. OVERVIEW OF LAND USE OPTIONS FOR HOUSING ELEMENT REZONING PROGRAM The City’s adopted Housing Element currently identifies a Rezoning Program that establishes eighteen (18) housing element sites zoned for mixed-use development. These eighteen (18) sites accommodate the City’s obligation under the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). This report addresses how City staff intends to propose to comply with the Housing Element Law’s restrictions on rezoning sites that include mixed-use zoning. This report clarifies that City staff proposes to designate a few of the housing inventory sites for “residential use only” development in accordance with the Housing Element, such that non-residential uses would be prohibited on those sites. By doing so the remaining housing inventory sites will maintain the land use flexibility currently allowed by the City Code. The sites to be designated for residential uses only include a portion of land at The Market Place shopping center that is currently used for parking and a portion of Neighborhood D North within the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan (TLSP).

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