Agenda Item

6. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 23-20 AND 23-21, SUPPORTING FINDINGS THAT THE CITY OF TUSTIN PFAS WATER TREATMENT PLANT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA AND AUTHORIZING A REPRESENTATIVE TO SIGN AND FILE A FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION AND GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE TUSTIN PFAS WATER TREATMENT PLANT The Orange County Water District (OCWD) has identified potential grant funding through the State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) to help offset capital costs incurred for the design and construction of the Tustin PFAS Water Treatment Plant. Although OCWD is the lead agency in regards to the construction and financial components of this project, the SWRCB had indicated OCWD is not eligible to apply for this grant, but would accept an application from the owner/operator of the facility. OCWD has requested Tustin's support in applying for grant funding. Resolution Nos. 23-20 and 23-21 support OCWD's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings and designate a representative of the City to sign and file the grant application.

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