Agenda Item

7. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 2022-0001, ZONE CHANGE (ZC) 2022-0001, DESIGN REVIEW (DR) 2022-0004, DENSITY BONUS CONCESSION/WAIVER REQUESTS, SUBDIVISION MAP (SUB) 2022- 0002/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) NO. 19224, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 2022-0002 This project includes the demolition of two (2) existing two-story office buildings currently located on the subject property and the construction of a new, townhome residential development project that would include forty (40) three-story residential units, including two (2) affordable units, on approximately 2.07 acres site. The applicant's requests include consideration of a general plan amendment, zone change, design review, subdivision, a density bonus request to allow one (1) Concession to allow a reduced building setback along Irvine Blvd. and one (1) Waiver for a reduction in required amount of common open space, and a development agreement. On December 13, 2022, the City of Tustin Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed project and adopted Resolution Nos. 4461, 4462, 4463, 4464 and 4465, recommending that the City Council approve the above-referenced requests.

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