Agenda Item

13. 2022 PUBLIC HEALTH GOAL REPORT The California Health and Safety Code requires public water systems serving more than 10,000 service connections to prepare a Public Health Goal (PHG) report every three years and conduct a public hearing to provide information to consumers on levels of contaminants in the City's drinking water. For the 2019-2021 reporting period, the City's drinking water quality compiled with all California Division of Drinking Water (DOW) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) drinking water standards. Although PHGs are recommended targets and not enforceable standards, the City's water system exceeded the PHGs for arsenic, bromate, gross alpha and beta particle activity, perchlorate, and uranium. It is important to note, all water samples that reported above the PHGs, also reported below the state and federal maximum contaminant levels (MCL), and the City's water system remains in full compliance with all state and federal water quality standards.

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