Agenda Item

11. SENATE BILL 9 AND SENATE BILL 10 OVERVIEW The City Attorney’s Office will provide a presentation that summarizes the key bill provisions. Senate Bill (SB) 9 creates opportunities for greater infill housing density by requiring cities to ministerially approve certain housing development projects containing up to two (2) residential units on single-family zoned parcels, without discretionary review or a hearing. SB 10 creates a voluntary process for cities to access a streamlined zoning process for new multi-unit housing. The SB 10 bill authorizes cities to adopt an ordinance increasing density to allow up to ten (10) dwelling units on any parcel, at a height specified in the ordinance if the parcel is in a transit-rich area or an urban infill site as defined. In January/February, staff will bring forward a Draft Ordinance for the implementation of SB 9 before the Planning Commission and then to the City Council for consideration and adoption. The Draft Ordinance would include provisions and development standards to ensure additional housing units will be built in an orderly manner. With respect to SB 10, no action is proposed in the near future. However, staff will continue to monitor and evaluate SB 10 for any potential impacts and/or opportunities.

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