Agenda Item

7. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO JOINT AGREEMENT FOR 800-MEGAHERTZ COUNTYWIDE COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM The ability for first responders to maintain a common communication system is critical and can significantly improve the delivery of services to the public. The 800-Megahertz Countywide Coordinated Communications System (CCCS) is a radio system which enables interoperability among all participating city and county law enforcement, fire, public works, and lifeguard/marine safety departments. The system is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission for official communications of the Orange County public safety agencies participating in the system. The 800-Megahertz CCCS Joint Agreement also allows all Orange County cities to share in the cost of the operation and maintenance of the system. On June 22, 2021, the Orange County board of Supervisors approved a newly written Joint Agreement for the Operation, Maintenance, and Financial Management of the Orange County 800 Megahertz CCCS, which provides guidelines for the enhanced operations and fiscal management of the system, and establishes Governance Committee Bylaws. Approval of the rewritten Joint Agreement will ensure the City of Tustin’s continued partnership in the Orange County’s public safety radio system.

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