Agenda Item

1. SECOND PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE INPUT FROM THE COMMUNITY REGARDING THE TRANSITION FROM AT-LARGE TO DISTRICT ELECTIONS The City received a letter from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) asserting that the at-large election system violates the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) and threatens litigation if the City declines to voluntarily convert to districtbased elections. On August 3, 2021 the City Council adopted Resolution 21-64 declaring its intention to transition from at-large to district-based elections, and to complete the transition in time for the 2022 General Municipal Election. By voluntarily proceeding to transition to district-based elections, the City benefits from a "safe harbor" provision in the CVRA that maximizes community control and self-determination over the process of establishing districts and district boundaries. The first steps in the transition process include holding at least two public hearings to invite public input regarding the composition of the City's voting districts before any draft maps are drawn. The first public hearing occurred on August 31st, and this item will involve the second such public hearing. Next, one or more draft maps of proposed district boundaries will be prepared and made available to the public and the Council must hold at least two additional public hearings on the draft map(s) of the districts themselves.

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