Meeting Time: August 17, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT

Agenda Item

11. FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN – MIDPOINT UPDATE The full plan covers the period 2018 through 2023 and serves as the City’s policy direction for the achieving important results and allocating resources. Tustin’s mission is to provide effective, high-quality services that foster safety, quality of life, and economic vitality throughout our community. The City’s Strategic Plan document also features a Vision Statement and a Mission Statement to further define overarching policy positions. In the Midpoint – Update, the City Council has identified its top priorities for the remaining two years of the Strategic Plan. These priorities are to continue progress with Tustin Legacy, enhance Old Town, revitalize the Red Hill corridor, streamline the development process, support development of housing, advance the neighborhood parking permit program, and initiate the general plan update process. Additional overall goals continue to focus on economic vitality, neighborhoods, public safety, financial strength, community relationships and organizational excellence.

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