Meeting Time: January 19, 2021 at 5:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

8. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 21-04 FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER A PURCHASE ORDER WITH THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CONTRACTORS FOR A JOINT PROJECT WITH COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR ROADWAY MAINTENANCE WITHIN SHARED BOUNDARY AREAS, AND APPROVE A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION OF $525,000 FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED RESERVES OF THE GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND 200) Staff is requesting authorization to enter into purchase order agreements with the Orange County Public Works (OCPW) contractors, for Phase I and II of the Annual Maintenance of street rehabilitation located at the shared boundaries of the County of Orange and the City of Tustin. OCPW is taking the lead for the project and the joint work is aligned and coordinated with the annual maintenance plans for both jurisdictions. The jurisdictions will work together to provide a cohesive rehabilitation project for the residents within the shared boundary areas